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About CustomCon

CustomCon is a fictional toy show showcasing the work of several customizers. You will not find these toys in your local toy store.



Project Cadmus

Customs by
Jeff Stephens
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Jimmy Olson (Cadmus):
Jimmy Olson is made from a repainted Minimate. His hair is made from Sculpey. His face is a digital printout, while his jumpsuit details on his chest are made from a water-transfer decal.

The Guardian:
The Guardian is made from a repainted Minimate body. His helmet is made from Sculpey, and his chest is a water-transfer decal. His golden shield is made from Magic Sculpt and used the connector from a Captain America Minimate shield. The Guardian’s face is a digital printout.

Dubblex is made from a repainted Minimate. He’s wearing a skirt from a Dr. Doom Minimate, while his unique head is made from Sculpey. Dubblex’s face is a digital printout, and the details on his chest are from a water-transfer decal.

Mokkari is made from a repainted Minimate. His face and costume details are all from water transfer decals. Mokkari’s shirt tails are from a Street Fighter Minimate.

Simyan is made from a repainted Minimate. His face is a digital printout, and his costume details are from water transfer decal. Simyan’s hair and beard come from a modified Wolverine hairpiece and Magic Sculpt.

Jimmy Olsen (Giant Clone):
The evil giant clone Jimmy Olson is made from a 2.5” Minimate. His face and chest are from water-transfer decals. His hair was made with Sculpey.

The Four-Armed Terror:
The Four-Armed Terror is made from a 2.5” Minimate. Another 2.5” Minimate gave up his arms and shoulder pins to be glued to the Terror for his trademark four-armed appearance. His claw-like hands are from the Killer Croc Minimate. The Terror’s face and chest were made from water-transfer decals, with extra details were painted onto his body. His unique head was made with Sculpey.



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