JoeAcevedo.comCustomCon 39

Marvel Legends Infinite - Avengers: Imperfect

Customizer: mr_mxyzptlk


Captain America custom action figure
Captain America: Captain America Target 3-Pack, sculpt, paint, gun/binoculars from fodder

Iron Man custom action figure
Iron Man: Captain America Target -Pack, DCUC Starman Head, sculpt, paint, gun from fodder

Thor custom action figure
Thor: Radioactive Man Target 3-Pack, sculpt, fodder, hammer from DCUC YJ Superboy, paint

Hulk custom action figure
Hulk: Radioactive Man Target 3-Pack, sculpt, paint, gun fodder

Cyclops custom action figure
Cyclops: MLI Hawkeye body, Wal-Mart 2-pack head, harness from Cap, gun from fodder

Invisible Woman custom action figure
Invisible Woman: ToyBiz Ms. Marvel, MLI Hawkeye harness, fodder gun, sculpt, paint

All characters and logos are © and ™ by their respective companies.